Have you ever wondered how it is decided where the World Congress of Music Therapy will take place every 3 years? In today’s blog, I am providing you with information on how proposals can be submitted for consideration.Submitting a Proposal to Host the World Congress of Music Therapy (WCMT)Only World Federation of Music Therapy (WFMT) full organizational members can submit a proposal for hosting the WCMT. The venue and date of the World Congress will be received and considered by the WFMT Council up to six years in advance. Detailed information regarding the location, venue, financial resources available, and support from other music therapy associations, organizations, and training programs in that country must be included in a preliminary proposal. It is recommended that the proposal also include statements of support from other relevant bodies. An updated report will be reviewed and confirmed by the Council at least four years before the proposed World Congress. In the event that the updated report is not approved by the Council or withdrawn by the proposal sponsor, the Council will invite new proposals to be presented at the intervening World Congress.What should be Included in a Proposal to Host the World Congress?Requirements:
- The congress organizer must demonstrate that (s)he has the necessary local and national support from music therapy organizations in the country.
- The congress organizer must demonstrate that registration for the conference will be economic for participants.
- Different economic grades of accommodation must be offered to participants, ranging from student accommodation to 1* - 5* hotel facilities.
- A clear timescale for preparation and for the activities of the congress should be provided.
- All publicity and information regarding the congress should be written in English and the language of the host country as a basic minimum.
- A balance of paper presentations, seminars, panels, round tables, workshops, and poster sessions should be included in the scientific program.
- Space and time must be allowed at the conference center for Council meetings and a General Business Meeting of the World Federation of Music Therapy.
- Plenary sessions should be in English and the language of the host country. Every effort should be made to provide simultaneous or consecutive translation at all other sessions.
- The congress organizer must appoint an international scientific committee that is representative both geographically and in terms of music therapy expertise and approach. No more than 30% of the international scientific committee must come from the host country.
- The timescale for the call for papers, scientific review, and notification of acceptance should be clearly defined two years before the congress, and all authors of accepted proposals notified no later than six months before the congress.
- The conference organizers must set up or utilize an existing website to provide information about the congress, including online proposals submissions and congress registration.
- The WFMT Council will select spotlight speakers and pre-congress seminars in collaboration with the congress organizer. Invited speakers will be music therapy experts representing each region and generation.
- Congress proceedings will be published in WFMT’s online journal, Music Therapy Today.
What Happens Once a Proposal is Received by the WFMT?Where a letter of intent and proposals have been received in time, the Council will review the documents and invite proposals to be presented at an organized meeting during the World Congress. All World Federation members have the right to attend the presentation.What Happens When a Proposal is Accepted by the WFMT?The person selected as the coordinator for the subsequent World Congress will automatically assume the Council position of the World Congress Chair with its respective voting privileges.All questions regarding WCMT proposals may be directed to Dr. Annie Heiderscheit (pastpresident@wfmt.info), WFMT Past President.Warm Regards from Canada,Amy Clements-Cortes, PhD, RP, MT-BC, MTAFellow of the Association for Music and ImageryPresident, WFMT