In January 2013, the WFMT Council made a commitment to initiate work on the organization’s first strategic plan. The organizational leadership recognized the changes and growing needs of the profession of music therapy and determined to best address these required further exploration, inquiry, and intention to guide the direction of the organization. Today I encourage you to read the WFMT Strategic Plan Summary that is available here. This report provides a discussion regarding the goals outlined for this three-year term and denotes progress towards them, as well as accomplishments and revisions. Listed below are the Strategic Planning Priorities and a list of our top 10 Accomplishments.Strategic Planning PrioritiesThe following were the broad strategic planning priorities that were identified. Several goals and tasks were set in each of the areas to be accomplished in the 2014-2017 term.Produce data-based informationBuild community awarenessExpand use of technology for networkingDemonstrate leadership as a leading knowledge based organizationDevelop revenue streamsProvide ongoing educational opportunities onlineMaintain online accounting systemEstablish presence at conferences around the worldIncrease collaboration among Council membersEstablish volunteer opportunitiesTop 10 Accomplishments
- Fact sheets on a number of countries were updated. These provide information on academic programs, music therapy associations, publications, and conferences, as well as contacts.
- New Music Therapy Videos on Research were published.
- A Global Music Therapy Day was launched in July 2016, and each year forward an annual celebration will take place.
- Established a WFMT presence at International Conferences related to music therapy
- Strengthened links with member organizations
- Published Monthly Membership Emails- WFMT Monthly BUZZ.
- Planning of the 2017 World Congress of Music Therapy (WCMT)
- Updated the Research and Ethics FAQ
- Planned and organized special events to celebrate WFMT 30th Anniversary
- Produced resources to assist countries where music therapy is less developed based on outstanding development examples of the profession in other countries, and in comparison with other allied health professions
Warm Regards from Canada,Amy Clements-Cortes, PhD, RP, MT-BC, MTAFellow of the Association for Music and ImageryPresident, WFMTSaveSave