Now is the time for your organization and for individual members to renew your WFMT memberships. Please find information and membership application forms at this link. Membership benefitsBe connected…WFMT members are part of a worldwide network of music therapy clinicians, educators, and researchers. WFMT members have the opportunity to be in contact with, learn from, and collaborate with other international music therapy associations and individual members. WFMT members enjoy the privilege of receiving varied support from experts in the field.Stay informed…Membership provides access to the most recent information about music therapy events throughout the world, including conferences, symposia, and the World Congress. Members have access to the Regional Liaisons’ Blog, Sound Board, Window to the World, Info Cards, Connection Project, WFMT Reports, Job & Volunteering Center, and Presidential announcements, which provide information on the activities of the Federation, its member associations, and international organizations.Have a voice…WFMT conducts a General Business Meeting at the World Congress of Music Therapy. The General Business Meeting is an opportunity for WFMT members to come together to meet the WFMT Council and to learn about activities of WFMT and its members. Members have the opportunity to address issues related to music therapy, approve submitted policy proposals, and discuss future plans and directions of WFMT. Full Organizational members have the privilege to elect the WFMT leadership. More information about the nomination process for elected Council positions can be found here. Don’t delay – the deadline for submitting nominations is February, 28, 2017 (11pm EST)!The triennial WFMT General Business Meeting will take place Thursday, July 6th, 2017 during the lunch break at the WCMT in Tsukuba, Japan. All individual and organizational members may attend. In order to vote at this meeting, full organizational members must renew their memberships for the 2017-2020 term prior to attending this meeting. Further details regarding voting procedures have been emailed to WFMT full organizational members; contact secretary@wfmt.info if you have not received this communication. Get involved…WFMT members may serve on the established commissions and hold offices. WFMT members are encouraged to establish partnerships among member associations to share resources and expertise and to implement innovative music therapy practice.Make a difference…WFMT and its members influence music therapy practice, education/training, and research internationally through the development and implementation of guidelines, policies, and other advocacy initiatives. WFMT members contribute to the international development of the discipline by achieving visibility and expanding the worldwide network.So what are you waiting for? Please join the WFMT Today!Warm Regards from Canada,Amy Clements-Cortes, PhD, RP, MT-BC, MTAFellow of the Association for Music and ImageryPresident, WFMT