In this month’s blog, I want to highlight the WFMT Assembly of Student Delegates and the WFMT Regional Liaisons and remind our music therapy community to help the WFMT celebrate this important 30th year anniversary.WFMT Assembly of Student DelegatesThe WFMT Assembly of Student Delegates (ASD) seeks to promote the exchange of ideas and information among students by increasing global participation and cooperation, raising awareness of the WFMT, and representing the student voice to the WFMT Council. Today I would like to introduce you to the newest member of the ASD, Vienna Sa. Vienna was appointed as the ASD representative for North America in September 2015, and she will continue in this role until the new WFMT Council is formed in July 2017.Vienna is a Music Therapy Intern at Monroe BOCES #1 in the United States. She graduated with a dual degree in music therapy and psychology from the University of Miami. She has served as the event coordinator, secretary, and President of the music therapy organization at the Frost School of Music. She recently finished her term as the Vice President of the American Music Therapy Association for Students (AMTAS). This year, she will serve as the student representative of the Continuing Education Committee of the American Music Therapy Association (AMTA).Vienna has had experience in both volunteering and participating in practica with a variety of clients, from toddlers to geriatric. She believes that collaborating with music therapists all over her country, as well as the world, holds extreme importance to the field in advocacy and further research. Ultimately, she is passionate about her service to global colleagues and friends in the profession. The WFMT is honoured to have Vienna join us with her unique skill set.WFMT Regional LiaisonsSince 2008, the WFMT Regional Liaisons have been providing firsthand knowledge, experiences, and perspectives on the current status of music therapy in Africa, Australia/New Zealand, the Eastern Mediterranean, Europe, Latin America, North America, Southeast Asia, and the Western Pacific. I encourage you to watch the videos from the Regional Liaisons and check out the country fact pages on music therapy. The fact pages provide valuable information about the music therapy associations in the various regions, education and training programs, upcoming conferences, and publications. Visit the Regional Information page to learn more.WFMT 30th Anniversary Celebration ContinuesDon’t forget we need your contributions to make our anniversary celebrations amazing. Please consider submitting a #WFMT30Rocks Birthday Challenge song as well as a tribute in the #WFMT30Rocks Contribution project. Click the preceding hyperlinks to learn more about each celebration opportunity.Warm Regards from Canada,Amy Clements-Cortes, PhD, RP, MT-BC, MTAFellow of the Association for Music and ImageryPresident, WFMT