Research & Ethics CommissionThe Commission on Research and Ethics promotes the integration of research and ethics into the practice of music therapy throughout the world. We envision music therapy as a health service based in sound research practice available to all. The commission promotes dissemination of quality ethnomusicological, historical, qualitative and quantitative research studies to better inform the practice of the profession. This Commission is chaired by Dr. Claudia Zanini and has 4 committee members: Ms. Maria Teresa del Moral (Spain), Dr. Douglas Keith (USA), Dr. Claire O’Callaghan (Australia), and Ms. Camilla Pfeiffer (Argentina).There are a number of resources available to all regarding research and ethical practice on the Commission’s webpage (click here). Recently the WFMT has added a video introduction to music therapy research prepared by Dr. Katrina Skewes McFerran. This video has been prepared to provide background information on music therapy research in order to better understand the discipline of music therapy as it grows around the world. Additional videos are being planned to interview music therapy researchers from the 8 WFMT regions regarding their research methods, as well as how cultural experiences connected with music interact with and inform music therapy practice and research. To view this new video, visit the WFMT Education Center (click here).WFMT Regional LiaisonsThe WFMT Regional Liaisons are your main go-to persons for questions regarding music therapy in your region of the world. Since 2008, WFMT Regional Liaisons have been preparing firsthand knowledge, experiences, and perspectives on the current status of music therapy in Africa, Australia/New Zealand, Eastern Mediterranean, Europe, Latin America, North America, Southeast Asia, and Western Pacific. I encourage you to visit the Regional Information page (click here) to view the video of your Regional Liaison and to read the Regional Liaison blogs (click here). The most recent blog was submitted by Dr. Anita Gadberry (North America) and is available here.Warm Regards from Canada,Amy Clements-Cortes, PhD, RP, MT-BC, MTAFellow of the Association for Music and ImageryPresident, WFMT