The WFMT Regional Liaisons are hard at work. They are your key go-to persons for questions regarding music therapy in your region of the world. Since 2008, our Regional Liaisons have been preparing firsthand knowledge, experiences, and perspectives on the current status of music therapy in Africa, Australia/New Zealand, the Eastern Mediterranean, Europe, Latin America, North America, Southeast Asia, and the Western Pacific. I encourage you to visit the Regional Information page (click here) of the WFMT website to view videos produced by Regional Liaisons. While there, take a few minutes to explore WFMT Fact Sheets provided on a number of countries. Updates provided on the Regional Liaisons’ blog (click here) contain additional information regarding developments throughout the world. Our Regional Liaisons welcome news from music therapists in their regions. Why not consider contacting the liaison for your region to share professional news from your country?Started in 2011, the WFMT Assembly of Student Delegates (ASD) seeks to promote the exchange of ideas and information among students by increasing global participation and cooperation, raising awareness of WFMT, and representing the student voice to the WFMT Council. This group’s broad goals include: educating students about WFMT, facilitating communication and networking among the global student population, recruiting and growing student membership in the WFMT, and providing a voice for students within the WFMT. Some of the Assembly’s ongoing projects are to: develop and maintain existing resources (i.e., Info Cards, Window to the World blog, Connect); continue to establish and maintain contact with student organizations in each region; update the ASD website blog monthly; and begin planning an event for students at the World Congress in 2017. Why not take a moment to learn more about WFMT for Students (click here) or view student news blog updates written by ASD members (click here)?As the WFMT is celebrating its special 30th Anniversary this year, I encourage you to consider joining the WFMT as an individual member. To learn more, visit the general membership (click here) and membership application (click here) pages.Warm Regards from Canada,Amy Clements-Cortes, PhD, MT-BC, MTAFellow of the Association for Music and ImageryPresident, WFMT