In April 2011, the WFMT Council decided to extend the WFMT recognition program beyond the WFMT Lifetime Membership Award to honor major contributions in education, practice, and research of music therapists around the world. Please consider nominating award recipients today. The deadline is June 30, 2016. Click here for more information on submission deadlines and eligibility. The submission form and information on past award recipients is available at this link.WFMT Award Categories and EligibilityThe Research/Special Projects Award honors a music therapist who has made a significant contribution to the development of the profession through a specific research study or scholarly project. Eligibility: Open to all music therapists. The person needs to have completed an outstanding research project or a scholarly project that involves (a) outcome documentation, (b) clinical applications, and (c) the reporting of outcomes within a publication or via two or more oral presentations.The Advocate of Music Therapy Award honors a person who has made major contributions to the promotion of music therapy in an area of the world where the profession is less established. Eligibility: Open to all individuals, music therapists and non-music therapists, who meet the criteria. Possible contributions include: repeated public presentations or workshops, development of a music therapy training program, establishment of music therapy clinical positions within a country, or the implementation of a short-term project that addressed specific needs. The nominee does not need to be a citizen of the country.The Service Award honors a music therapist who provides, or has provided, significant service to the profession of music therapy through work related to the WFMT association. The work supports the growth of WFMT. Eligibility: Open to all music therapists, and the nominee does not need to hold an office within WFMT. Service can involve long-term commitments or task-specific projects.Clinical Impact Award honors a music therapist who has had a long-term impact on advancing the knowledge and practice of music therapy within a specific clinical area or population through the publication or presentation of his or her work. Eligibility: Open to all music therapists who have had a long-term impact in the area of clinical work as a result of work with clients, the development of protocol or methodology, educational programs, or research. The nominee needs to demonstrate a long-term record of work and disseminated information within publications or oral presentations. Warm Regards from CanadaAmy Clements-Cortes, PhD, RP, MT-BC, MTAFellow of the Association for Music and ImageryPresident, WFMT