WFMT Regional LiaisonsThe WFMT Regional Liaisons are hard at work. They are your key go-to persons for questions regarding music therapy in your region of the world. Since 2008, our Regional Liaisons have been preparing firsthand knowledge, experiences, and perspectives on the current status of music therapy in North America, Australia/New Zealand, Southeast Asia, Africa, Western Pacific, Eastern Mediterranean, Latin America, and Europe. I encourage you to visit the Regional Information page on the WFMT website to view the video of your Regional Liaison. While there, take a few minutes to explore WFMT Fact Sheets provided on a number of countries.

Meet Dr. Anita Gaberry: Regional Liaison for North AmericaAnita L. Gadberry is a board certified music therapist (MT-BC) and the North American Regional Liaison for the WFMT. Originally from Minnesota, Dr. Gadberry received her Bachelor of Music in music therapy from Southwestern Oklahoma State Univeristy. She completed her Master of Arts in music therapy at Texas Woman's University and her Ph.D. in music therapy from the University of Kansas.Dr. Gadberry began practicing music therapy in the Dallas, Texas metroplex and primarily served children and adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder and intellectual and developmental disabilities. She centered her practice in Plano, Texas for seven years before moving to Lawrence, Kansas to complete doctoral studies at the Univeristy of Kansas. Dr. Gadberry maintained a small practice in Lawrence, Kansas while being a doctoral student and a graduate teaching assistant. She is currently the Director of Music Therapy at Marywood University in Scranton, Pennsylvania and enjoys watching her students become enthusiastic, competent therapists!Dr. Gadberry is passionate about assisting future and current music therapists. She also enjoys promoting global music therapy connections in her WFMT role as well as serving as the Vice President for Membership in the Mid-Atlantic Region of the American Music Therapy Association. She frequently presents across the United States and internationally; serves on the editorial board for Music Therapy Today; and has published in the Journal of Music Therapy, Music Therapy Perspectives, Music Therapy Today, the Australian Journal of Music Therapy, and Music and Medicine. Her book, Treatment Planning for Music Therapy Cases, is available from Sarsen Publishing. Anita’s research interests focus on communication, augmentative and alternative communication, and culture. Find more information at or follow her on twitter @anitagadberry.Warm Regards from Canada,Amy Clements-Cortes, PhD, RP, MT-BC, MTAFellow of the Association for Music and ImageryPresident, WFMT