On a daily basis we hear of crises in various parts of the world. For example, on April 25, 2015, the Gorkha earthquake that hit Nepal killed over 8,000 people and injured twice as many. Nepal was then struck again by a second major earthquake on May 12th and a third on May 16, 2015. These are the most powerful disasters to strike Nepal since 1934, and, sadly, the death toll is continuing to rise on a daily basis.As music therapists, many of us are actively involved in our communities and strive to help others and contribute to improving quality of life for people in times of need. I think that is why, when disasters such as the earthquake in Nepal occur, our natural instinct is to help in whatever way we are able. As a music therapist who has worked with persons who have suffered from trauma, I am keenly aware that music therapy can play an important role in assisting people in times of crises and trauma.This recent disaster has prompted me to write my WFMT President Presents monthly blog on the WFMT Global Crises Intervention Commission. This commission seeks to support the needs of music therapists affected by or responding to crises—both natural and human-made—across the world that result in trauma and stress. The Commission facilitates communication, coordination of services, and training among music therapists and maintains a collection of materials and information to use during current or ongoing disasters or traumatic situations.To mobilize the WFMT’s work and goals, and to sustain this commission and its efforts, it will require your financial assistance. The WFMT Global Crises Disaster Fund was established to raise funds to support people in times of crisis and trauma. Please consider making a donation today. Any amount will help support the WFMT’s efforts. The WFMT has such a large number of people who follow our work on the website through email correspondence and via our social media avenues; if every person gave just a small contribution, our fund would rapidly grow. Click on the following link to donate now: http://www.gofundme.com/2qnj38While the financial contribution you make today will not go to Nepal, we are hoping to build a solid fund so that when another disaster does strike we can not only provide the emotional and procedural support that we have been providing to disasters such as Nepal, but can also be there with financial support.While the WFMT is celebrating 30 years…I think an amazing outcome at the end of this year, would be to grow this very important fund and to really show the world music therapists care and give back. #WFMT30Rocks.Warm Regards from Canada,Amy Clements-Cortes, PhD, MT-BC, MTAFellow of the Association for Music and ImageryPresident, WFMT