Last month in my Presidential Blog, I featured the WFMT Commissions. This month, I am sharing highlights from a Regional Liaison Blog update prepared in collaboration with the WFMT Regional Liaison for Africa, Ms. Carol Lotter.Celebrating 15 years of Music Therapy in South AfricaOn Saturday August 16, 2014, the Music Therapy Unit at the University of Pretoria (UP), in collaboration with South African Music Therapy Association (SAMTA), hosted a vibrant celebration to showcase the work of current students, past graduates and staff members while celebrating the 15th anniversary of Music Therapy at UP.SAMTA Eastern CapeSAMTA is forming a new branch in Port Elizabeth, Easter Cape. An event to mark this, as well as showcase Music therapy was held at The Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University in Port Elizabeth on October 28, 2014.Music Therapy Training at UPThe UP MMus (Music Therapy) training program is the only master’s training program of its kind on the continent of Africa. Graduates of this program register with the HPCSA (Health Professions Council of South Africa). The Music Therapy Training program at UP has, to date, offered the MMus degree every two years. 2015 marks the first year that the training program will be offered on an annual basis. Music therapy is a growing profession in South Africa and worldwide. Students who have trained at UP are now practicing in diverse contexts and are making a difference to the health and well-being of individuals and communities in South Africa and beyond.As you can see, music therapy in Africa is growing. Please visit the WFMT Regional Liaisons’ blog later this month for more news on music therapy developments in South Africa.Warm Regards from Canada,Amy Clements-Cortes, PhD, MT-BC, MTAFellow of the Association for Music and ImageryPresident, WFMT