I cannot believe that the World Congress of Music Therapy already was three weeks ago as my impressions and memories are still very vivid. I learned so much about different populations served in music therapy, cultural aspects, and latest developments of the field in different countries. I enjoyed the impressive cultural highlights and it was really exciting to learn a little bit about Korea and the Asian culture.But the most important and as well funny moments happened while meeting and getting to know music therapist and students from all over the world. I had many enriching, valuable, and touching conversations. The interactions gave me so many food for thought, showed me different options and possibilities of practicing music therapy, and some inspired me a great deal. I am still thinking about many things, planning, organizing, dreaming about my music therapy future.It was a quite a trip to Asia and required to save up some money. But, I really do not regret one minute nor any cents. I only can give everyone this suggestion: If you ever have the chance to attend a World Congress of Music Therapy, GO FOR IT!I had a wonderful time!Greetings from Germany,Anna-Kristina Stekl, University of Applied Science Heidelberg, Germany