I waited for July 2014 for two long years! The anticipation, expectations, and preparations of the presentations and the agenda for the Congress had been in my mind for the last 6 months – from the moment we got our hotel booking confirmation. From the Congress program I knew that there would be many professionals from around the world, many of whom I knew personally. Living and working in the Middle East means we music therapists are feeling lonely (professionally!) very often. Of course, there is Skype, Facebook, emails and the Online Conference to fill the gap, but what could be better than meeting with colleagues, breathing the same air, and hearing their voices while looking at their faces in front of you? Not to mention numerous photos being taken, hands shaken, and hugs exchanged! I was so glad to see again all of my former professors who taught my undergraduate classes in Canada, to see in real life people with whom I communicated online, and to network with new colleagues. As a Regional Liaison, I was happy to meet representatives from the countries in my region, many of whom I knew absolutely nothing!Another important highlight was the fact that all members of the WFMT Council got together around one beautiful, comfortable oval table during our meetings. This has never happened before – to have all of us in the same room and not in the Skype windows! I am sure my colleagues shared the same feeling of togetherness there in Krems. This gave me a new boost of energy and determination to continue with my role as a Regional Liaison for the next three years. Thank you, Dr. Gerhard Tucek and the rest of the WCMT team, for that!Aksana Kavaliova, BahrainWFMT Regional Liaison for Eastern Mediterranean