Dear WFMT members and website visitors,
I can hardly believe 3 months have already passed since I became President of the WFMT. This time has been especially busy, as I have been participating in different conferences and presenting about the World Federation of Music Therapy in several countries. Being President gives me privileges and rewards, some of which are to have the opportunity to meet many music therapists from around the globe, to learn about the particularities of the profession in their region, and to really be open to view our beautiful profession from a very broad perspective. It is just inspiring to see the energy and determination of so many music therapists who work tirelessly to get the profession established and recognized in their part of the world. This also reaffirms why the WFMT exists,…there needs to be an organization to support and assist with the development and growth of music therapy throughout the world. We will continue to work hard as a part of the WFMT to support this process for our colleagues in the different regions of the world.
Updated Information and News
These past three months have also kept the new Council members (commissioners and regional liaisons) of the WFMT very busy getting organized with their commissions, setting priorities for the three year term, and preparing videos for the website. I would like to highlight some of the updated information:
WFMT website
I encourage you to check out other parts of this site and find updates from the Officers, Commission Chairs, Regional Liaisons and latest News. Many thanks to Dr. Anita Gadberry for her work on the website along with Executive Assistant Kumi Sato. We are particularly grateful for the assistance of Hsiao-Jung Yeh, a student at Western Sydney University who has volunteered to help with updating the website and fixing problems as they arise.
World Music Therapy Day
March 1st is the new date for #WorldMusicTherapyDay. Mark your calendars! Dr. Anita Gadberry, Secretary of the WFMT has brought together members of the Council to work with Chris Brandt of to prepare a major social media campaign. We will be providing participants with materials to share and running a contest for the best meme to represent our global celebration. The WFMT is very grateful to Yamaha for collaborating in this event by donating an EZ-220 keyboard to the winner of the meme contest.
WFMT Facebook
As you may know, we have an open Facebook group bringing together professionals and those interested in music therapy to hear about the activities of the WFMT. At the moment there are more than 5,150 members of the group from at least 99 countries around the world. If you are not yet a member do join!
WFMT Publications: Music Therapy Today
Members of the Publications Commission, led by Dr. Annie Heirderscheit are working hard to prepare the 2018 issue of MTT which will focus on trauma. The deadline for paper submissions is January 2nd, 2018. I encourage you to consider submitting a paper if you are working in this area of music therapy.
WFMT Membership
If you are already a member, thank you. It is important that we represent a wide range of associations and individuals in the profession. The WFMT invites any new organizations or individual therapists who have a keen interest in the field of music therapy to become members. Please find information and membership application forms at the following link.
Membership Benefits
Be connected…
WFMT members are part of a worldwide network of music therapy clinicians, educators, and researchers. WFMT members have the opportunity to be in contact with, learn from and collaborate with other international music therapy associations and individual members. WFMT members enjoy the privilege of receiving various support from experts in the field.
Stay informed…
Membership provides access to the most recent information about music therapy events throughout the world, including conferences, symposia, and the World Congress. Members have access to the Regional Liaisons’ Blog, Sound Board, Window to the World, Info Cards, Connection Project, WFMT Reports, Job & Volunteering Center, and Presidential announcements, which provide information on the activities of the Federation, its member associations and international organizations.
Have a voice…
WFMT conducts a General Business Meeting at the World Congress of Music Therapy. The General Business Meeting, is an opportunity for WFMT members to come together to meet the WFMT Council and learn about activities of WFMT and its members. Members have the opportunity to address issues related to music therapy, approve submitted policy proposals, and discuss future plans and directions of WFMT. Full organizational members have the privilege to elect the WFMT leadership.
Get involved…
WFMT members may serve on the established commissions and hold offices. WFMT members are encouraged to establish partnerships among member associations to share resources and expertise and to implement innovative music therapy practice.
Make a difference…
WFMT and its members influence music therapy practice, education/training, and research internationally through the development and implementation of guidelines, policies, and other advocacy initiatives. WFMT members contribute to the international development of the discipline by achieving visibility and expanding the worldwide network.
If you have feedback, comments or questions that you would like to share please email the respective Commission Chair, Regional Liaison, or myself. We will do our best to respond in a few days.
Melissa Mercadal-Brotons, PhD, MT-BC, SMTAE
President, WFMT