The WFMT is comprised of people who give their time and energy to positively contribute to the development of the music therapy profession worldwide. There are several ways you can assist with these efforts.
We want our communication to be accessible to as many people as possible. If you are a qualified translator, we can always benefit from your assistance. A more long-term commitment could be to serve on a commission. There are six commissions which seek global participation and diverse membership. These include Clinical Practice, Education and Certification, Global Crises Intervention, Publications, Public Relations, and Research and Ethics. Once the new term starts (following the 2023 World Congress) commission chairs form their commissions. So, if you are interested in serving this way, please contact the respective commission chair to indicate your interest. Commissioners undertake a three-year term, just as WFMT council members do.
The WFMT council is made up of officers, commission chairs, and regional liaisons. The officers include past-president, president, secretary, treasurer, and executive assistant. The previous term’s president automatically becomes past president. The executive assistant is appointed by the new president. The executive assistant is typically someone who served as a student on the Assemble of Student Delegates (ASD). The ASD has one student from each region of the world and carries out music therapy student initiatives. (Nominate students for the next term.) The other officers are elected. The commission chairs, except for the World Congress chair, are elected as well. The World Congress chair is identified when the full member organization makes their bid to host a World Congress. The new president appoints each Regional Liaison to serve during the term. Suggestions for regional liaisons are being taken now for the term 2023-2026.
Officers and commission chairs are nominated and then voted upon at the general business meeting during the World Congress. Each full organizational member has the right to vote, as well as members of the WFMT council. Nominations are open for the 2023-2026 term.
Each council member has their own responsibilities and contributes to team efforts. The WFMT council meets quarterly. Prior to the pandemic, one meeting a year was in person. The council also meets in person at each World Congress.
Each council member must be or become an individual professional member of the WFMT. They must also agree to the Code of Conduct and fulfill their duties according to the role descriptions. Find more information about the Council in the bylaws.
Nominate yourself or someone else today. We look forward to your service!