As you can see on the Membership webpage, there are several categories of membership in WFMT.
According to the WFMT Bylaws, membership categories are as follows:
Categories of Membership.
Membership of the Federation shall be divided into the following categories:
2.2.1. Full organizational membership is open to any music therapy membership organization or society that has the promotion of music therapy as its main objective and that meets the Federation's requirements for full organizational membership. Individuals holding professional membership in these organizations are considered members of the Federation by default but do not receive individual professional membership benefits. Full organizational members have the right to vote.
2.2.2. Associate organizational membership is open to any University or music therapy training program or other institution, or organization related to music therapy, that includes the promotion of music therapy among its main objectives. Associate organizational members do not have the right to vote.
2.2.3 Affiliate organizational membership is open to organizations interested in music therapy that do not meet the criteria for either full organizational or associate organizational membership. Affiliate organizational members do not have the right to vote.
2.2.4. Individual professional membership is open to any individual who can provide evidence of educational/organizational designation as a music therapist. Documentation must accompany the membership application. An English translation of the documentation must be included. Individual professional members do not have the right to vote.
2.2.5. Individual associate membership is open to any individual interested in music therapy. Individual associate members do not have the right to vote.
2.2.6. Student organizational membership is open to any music therapy student membership organization or society that has the promotion of music therapy as its main objective and that meets the Federation's requirements for student organizational membership. Individuals holding student membership in these organizations are considered members of the Federation by default but do not receive individual student membership benefits. Student organizational members do not have the right to vote.
2.2.7. Student individual membership is open to any student studying to become a music therapist according to her/his country’s guidelines. Applications for individual student membership must include the signature of the academic program director, and need to be presented in English. Individual student members do not have the right to vote.
2.2.8. Student individual associate membership is open to students studying in programs other than those to become music therapists according to their countries’ guidelines. Applications for individual associate student membership must include the signature of the academic program director to verify current student status and need to be presented in English. Individual associate student members do not have the right to vote.
2.2.9. Honorary life membership is bestowed upon an individual who has made a substantial contribution to the development of music therapy, and/or to the World Federation of Music Therapy. Honorary members do not have the right to vote. Candidates for an honorary life membership will be nominated and voted upon by the Council. A maximum of two to three honorary life memberships will be granted within a three-year term.
2.2.10. Patron membership is open to individuals or groups that donate funds to the World Federation of Music Therapy. Patron members do not have the right to vote.
One may wonder why there are so many different categories of membership. The WFMT serves the entire world. Music therapy is more developed in some countries than others. Thus for some, there are no other music therapy associations in their area. The WFMT often helps these individual members form music therapy associations, encourage music therapy education and training in their country, and assist in government recognition.
Membership is for a three-year term, from July 1 to June 30. Thus, the membership cycle restarts just before each World Congress. The most popular categories of membership are full organization, professional, and student. These represent the mission of the World Federation to serve as the global umbrella music therapy organization, advancing practice, education, and research.
Full organizational members are the only members who have the right to vote (besides the current council members). Each country receives 1 vote. Thus, if there are 3 full organizational members in a country, each gets 1/3 of the country vote. Full organizational members are listed near the bottom of the Membership webpage.
Should you have questions about membership, please contact or