Greetings to you as I write this ‘President Presents’!
2020 16th WCMT – online event

We are just two months away from the 2020 World Congress of Music Therapy. Please, visit the congress website to register for the online congress:
The rates are very low and affordable to make the 16th World Congress of Music Therapy accessible to everyone across the globe. This will certainly be a unique event.
The two-day congress, on the 7th and 8th July will include a total of 252 presentations, with 162 paper presentations, 40 workshops and roundtables and 50 posters.
WFMT Membership applications and renewal for next term.
If you are already a WFMT Member, now is the time to renew – if you are not yet a member, please consider joining. Here are the Member Benefits. For Organizational Members is very important that you renew or join before the Business meeting of the WFMT so that your vote can be counted. Membership Application Form
Business meeting of the WCMT—New Council elections.
The Triennial Business meeting of the WFMT will take place online on July 6th, 2020 at 1.00 - 3.00pm Central European Summer Time (CEST).
If you are an Organizational Member of WFMT It is very important that you decide who will represent your association at the meeting since the elections for the 2020-2023 Council of the WFMT will take place. In addition the proposed changes to our Bylaws will be reviewed and explained so that they can be voted for their approval.
The secretary of the WFMT, Dr. Anita Swanson, will be sending you the agenda of the meeting with the slate of candidates for the 2020-2023 Council and the Bylaws with proposed changes.
35th Anniversary of the WFMT
It was 1985 when the WFMT was founded and it is exciting to see how our profession has grown and developed since then.
We are grateful to everyone who has contributed to the sustaining of the work of WFMT. To our Council, commission members and WFMT Members, without whom we wouldn’t exist. To all the music therapists who over the years have given their time and energy to lead the organization we give especial thanks.
This year we particularly pay tribute to Dr. David Aldridge who sadly passed away in March. David was involved with the WFMT from the early days, serving on the Council and he played a leading role in developing publications and our online activity.
There will be a celebratory 35th Anniversary video released shortly…watch this space!