World Music Therapy Day 2021 is almost here!
What will you be doing March 1, 2021?
Posting images, quotes, and research about music therapy?
With the hashtag #worldmusictherapyday ?
Let us know how you celebrate the day by using the hashtag to post on social media. Though our in-person celebrations will most likely be fewer this year due to the pandemic, we can generate a booming fanfare on line.
Feel free to use the images that are available in several languages at https://wfmt.info/wmtd/
Scroll down the page to reach your language. There are two promotional images and a poster that can be completed with details of your celebration, seminar, or workshop.
World Music Therapy Day was initiated as part of the World Federation of Music Therapy’s Strategic Plan during the 2014 – 2017 term. The first #worldmusictherapyday was celebrated in 2016. What started as an idea to celebrate our profession has grown to include advocacy and public education. In addition to all the creative content music therapists produce, I personally love to see the posts from companies and employers honoring and thanking their respective music therapists.
Would you like more ideas of how to share this special day with others? Tune into a video describing the history of the day and examples of previous World Music Therapy Day activities.
We look forward to seeing your posts on #worldmusictherapyday !