Season’s greetings!

We are seven months away from the 2020 World Congress of Music Therapy. Early bird registration has been open for 6 weeks and we are happy to report that delegates from around the world are registering. I encourage you to make use of the early bird rate.
On the registration page, you will find information about the pre-congress seminars as well as the social events.
I want to make a special mention to those of you involved in education. Please encourage your students to attend. The 2020 World Congress of Music Therapy will be a special opportunity for all of us.
WFMT Council nominations for the 2020-2023 term
The Council of the WFMT is pleased to present the slate of candidates for the 2020-2023 term, along with job descriptions and the structure of the organization. You can download ‘WFMT Slate of Candidates’ and ‘WFMT Council job descriptions’ and I encourage you to read them through carefully.
Now it’s time for you, as WFMT Members, to nominate people who you think have the skills and the willingness to serve the WFMT as a Commissioner or to suggest potential Regional Liaisons.
If you wish to nominate someone, please make sure they are aware of that, then fill in a nomination form, and ask them to complete a Candidate form.
Closing date is March 31st 2020.
The final elections will take place at the General Business meeting on Thursday July 9th at 11am at the World Congress 2020 in South Africa.
You can find the relevant forms at the following links:
Council Candidate nomination form
Regional Liaisons
We are looking for suggestions for Regional Liaisons in the following regions:
- Africa
- Latin America and the Caribbean
- Western Pacific
- Southeast Asia
Regional Liaison suggestion form
Assembly of Student Delegates (ASD)
Membership of the ASD is a great way for students to get involved in international matters.
Assembly of Student Delegates (ASD) nomination form
‘Music Therapy Today’ Editor and Associate Editor
The WFMT is seeking candidates who are willing to fill out the positions of Editor and Associate Editor of our online journal Music Therapy Today.
We encourage you to read the job descriptions for these positions and consider applying for it. Please, stay tuned to our facebook group for specific procedures to follow and deadlines to meet. It is a unique opportunity if you are interested in the area of research in the field of music therapy and to acquire new skills editing interesting manuscripts.
Melissa Mercadal-Brotons, PhD, MT-BC, SMTAE
President WFMT