Thailand is currently entering the fourth wave of the COVID-19 pandemic in August 2021. Some music therapists continue their service to patients. Others have limited choices to conduct in-person sessions due to social distancing measures. They need to alter their practice to provide safe and relevant services during the pandemic. The virtual/online music therapy session is one resolution to these current service delivery challenges.
Thai music therapists also arranged many online projects to support people and support each other. The Music Therapy Department from Mahidol University started podcast series called "Healthy Melody Talks" on the "Music Therapy Thailand" Facebook page ( They invited music therapists from different settings and talked about the uses and benefits of music therapy in each client population. They additionally shared their experience of being a music therapist and managing online sessions throughout the pandemic.
Next, the Center for Music Therapy Development (CMTD) presented the "Music Therapy for Mental Health and Stress" online webinar on the Zoom application. They provided aspects and the music and imaginary techniques to improve well-being. In another project, they wrote and recorded new music and lyrics for supporting COVID-19 patients in a field hospital to reduce stress. They used relaxation techniques, for example, breathing, guided imaginary, e.g., in the songs. They posted the music videos on their Youtube channel (
) and sent video links to patients in a field hospital.
Another project was the “Pop songs, cope with distress” project on the Zoom application. It is a project arranged by Thai music therapists. The popular songs were used as song choice and lyric analysis under the free safe space. Participants were general people who were interested in using music in order to cope with stress from the negative impact of COVID-19. Some outstanding outcomes from the first practice are
- Most of the participants reported having a better feeling after receiving music intervention such as relaxed, joyful, and fresh.
- Song was the most important component affected by positive emotion, followed by a good relationship and informal environment.
One more online project was from music therapy students at Mahidol University. They administered an online workshop for music therapists on Zoom application for their internship project. It contains five online episodes about reviewing clinical processes and music interventions for children with special needs. They discussed case studies and let participants exchanged opinions, too.
The pandemic changed our lives and works. Music therapists and students need to adapt the methods of practice and learning. So, we can develop ourselves, serve our clients the best, and get through this situation together.
Teeda Rupsuwan
WFMT Student Delegate for Southeast Asia
Music therapy student at Mahidol University, Thailand