Dear Colleagues,The process of discovery is an exciting and interesting endeavor. It can also feel nebulous and daunting when you are wrestling with what questions to ask to help ensure you are getting closer to the information for which you are looking AND not knowing what those answers will be. This can make it a very dichotomous experience for the seeker. In January, a team of WFMT council members came together to form a strategic planning committee. We have been identifying questions, wrestling with questions, and evaluating ourselves as an organization. We have been working to understand our role in a changing world and through a constantly evolving process. As you can well imagine, this, too, has been filled with excitement and moments where we are perplexed.All in all, these are not negative aspects of the process…only challenging. I think they are necessary parts of the process. It can be within the midst of being challenged that we learn, discover, and grow. The strategic planning committee has continued to meet via Skype each month to continue this work and to begin to develop three surveys. All the WFMT Council members will complete the internal stakeholders survey. This survey will help us take a deeper look into the work of the WFMT from these nineteen different perspectives. The second survey is for the members of the WFMT. As the external stakeholders of the organization, we need your insightful feedback and responses to better understand what is needed from the WFMT as we plan for the future. We understand what is needed can vary from one part of the world to another. What is important is that we do not want to assume, as an organization, we know what those needs are. We want to hear from you and we want to work with you. A third survey will be made available to members of the WFMT Facebook group to gain a better understanding of who we reach through that platform and how we can continue to serve them well.In the coming weeks, WFMT members will receive a link to complete the external stakeholders survey. I strongly encourage you to join the process. Help us explore and discover. We want you to be a part of shaping the future of the WFMT.Sincerely,Annie Heiderscheit, Ph.D., MT-BC, LMFTFellow of the Association for Music and ImageryInterim President, WFMT