Dear Colleagues, I am writing this message as I am departing Oslo, Norway and concluding my time at the European Congress of Music Therapy. It was wonderful to hear about thework from so many others throughout Europe and beyond as we gathered each day. The WFMT Council presented at the congress in order to continue to inform music therapists around the world about the mission and work of the WFMT. I was sovery proud of the WFMT Council members for all the work they do and how they presented to congress attendees. While not all Council members were able to attend the congress, we had slides and videos from those that were not able to attend. Those of us in attendance carried their spirit with us and representedall the work that is accomplished by the WFMT Council and commission members. I invite you to download ourslideshow (pdf file) to get a visual impression of our involvement in Oslo, Norway.Additionally, as a part of the presentation at the congress, we presented the FAQs (frequently asked questions) that we often receive as Council members. This helped to illustrate what people around the world are looking for regarding information about music therapy and the music therapy profession. It also helped to demonstrate the breadth and depth of what the WFMT has to offer.One comment we received consistently from those attending the WFMT Council roundtable was, “I did not know the WFMT provided so much information and so many valuable resources.” Oh, it is wonderful when people begin to realize all the WFMT has to offer. And yet… it also reminds me that we need to continue to inform others, to get the word out, and to foster connections. Now, we as a WFMT Council cannot do this on our own. We need a global village to help us accomplish this task. I would ask that you join the cause and help spread the word and share the information. Here is what I would encourage you to do:• Encourage your colleagues to explore the WFMT website to discover the vast amount of resources available.• Share with your colleagues your favorite WFMT resource.• Talk with your colleagues about attending the WFMT World Congress in Vienna/Krems, Austria in July 2014.• Encourage your association to become a member of the WFMT.• Discover how you can get involved with the WFMT and maintain your global connection.Thank you for helping us spread the word. I look forward to our continued work ahead and hearing from you.Sincerely,Annie Heiderscheit, Ph.D., MT-BC, LMFTFellow of the Association for Music and ImageryInterim President, WFMTWFMT at EMTC 2013