Greetings to everyone,Do you ever wonder if the profession of music therapy is growing and advancing? Maybe you get so caught up at times with your own busy clinical, research, or teaching schedule that you don’t have a moment to hear about what is happening in your local community or around the world. I know I have moments when my schedule between teaching, conducting research, and clinical sessions is so busy that I feel I can lose track of what is happening in the world of music therapy. However, I am reminded each and every day when I open my email that, yes…music therapy is growing and advancing around the world. I am fortunate to hear from music therapists, students, researchers, educators, physicians, and musicians from around the world, sharing their interests and inquiring about music therapy.Read some of the most recent inquiries and information. These are just a small fraction of the communications we receive at the WFMT:• I am writing a thesis for my degree program (England) on music therapy. Can you tell me about the work you do as a music therapist?• I am doing a school project and need to interview a music therapist. Can you put me in touch with a music therapist in my area (USA, Europe)?• We want to start a music therapy association and music therapy journal. (Turkey) Where do we begin?• We are hosting a conference or a course with a focus on music therapy (India, Taiwan, Caracas, England, andUSA). Can you share this information with you members?• We received 250 proposals for our music therapy conference; last year we received 90 (Europe).• We receive numerous requests each day for people to join the WFMT Facebook group (https://www.facebook.com/groups/65653187016/).• This year, there were 30 applicants for the 2014 World Congress student scholarship; in 2011, we had 6.Each day I encounter new evidence that demonstrates to me that, yes…music therapy is growing and advancing around the world. I expect you encounter evidence that supports this as well. It is exciting to see this growth and to be a part of it all as well. The interest in music therapy is growing AND the WFMT continues to strive to support this growth and the advancement of music therapy. We hope you will continue to join us in this process.Sincerely,Dr. Annie Heiderscheit, MT-BC, LMFTFellow of the Association for Music and ImageryInterim President, WFMT