There is a song by Jack Johnson entitled ‘Better Together.’ In the chorus of this song he reiterates that ‘we are always better when we are together.’ This song has become a theme song for me as it represents the way in which I work… collaboratively. I think this message of better together beautifully illustrates the work of the World Federation of Music Therapy as well. Each month the 8 regional liaisons, 8 commissioners, and 3 officers of the WFMT Council tireless conduct the work of the organization. Each day all around the world educators, clinicians, and researchers areworking to advance the profession through each class they teach, each session they facilitate, or each participant they enroll in a study.As we join and work together we accomplish many great things. You will find this in each blog you read from the regional liaisons and commissions. You will find it in the countless resources available in the education publication centers of the WFMT website. Each of us is a tremendous resource to each other and when wework together, we simply continue to accomplish great things.In February, I was given the distinct honor to speak at the first International Conference on Clinical Specialties and Music Therapy in India. This conference was representative of the interest of music therapy and music medicine in India. I was honored to present alongside colleagues from around the world and speak to medical faculty, medical students, businessman, musicians, and clinicians about music therapy. While in India I also had the pleasure to guest lecture at the Chennai School of Music Therapy which is directed by Dr. Sumathy Sundar. This is the first music therapy training program in India, which began in July 2012.The advancement and growth of music therapy in India is an illustration of how we are better together. Dr. Sundar has collaborated with Dr Gerhard Tucek and the music therapy department of the IMC University of Applied Sciences, Krems, Austria to introduce the first music therapy postgraduate diploma program in India. This is a wonderful example of what can be accomplished in our efforts together.I expect we will continue to see more and more collaborations around the world that result great accomplishments for the profession of music therapy. I look forward to creating, discovering, and sharing those with you. And I hope you will share those experiences with the WFMT as we learn and grow together… making even better.Warm greetings,Dr. Annie Heiderscheit, MT-BC, LMFTFellow of the Association for Music and ImageryInterim President, WFMT