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Dr. Simon Gilbertson
Regional Liaison for Europe
Contact: europe@wfmt.info[/caption]
On the 24th June 2011, Professor Dr. Tony Wigram, one of the world's significant figures in music therapy died peacefully at his home in St. Albans, England.
As a dedicated and determined believer in music therapy, Professor Dr. Tony Wigram served the profession in endless ways, working as an exemplary music therapist, educator, and researcher. He was active internationally as Professor and Head of Phd. Studies in Music Therapy in the Department for Communication and Psychology, Faculty of Humanities, University of Aalborg, in Denmark, Professor in Music Therapy, Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge, in the UK and as Honorary Principal Research Fellow in the Faculty of Music, University of Melbourne, Australia. Amongst many of his services to institutions and organizations, he was the 4th President of the World Federation of Music Therapy, elected in 1996.
He has been a core figure in music therapy in a huge range of facets, from a personal and collegial closeness to playing a most significant role in collaboratively working towards governmental state registration in the UK. He has travelled widely around the globe in person and in print, his numerous publications can be found in the realms of textbooks at all levels of study and in internationally leading peer-reviewed journals. He has been one of the most significant driving forces behind many of the world's most successful and significant national and international music therapy conferences and congresses and he has served the profession in ways that we are yet to realize.
At this time of such great loss, Tony's spirit reminds me of how he encouraged and helped others to look more closely, to listen more intensely and to reflect more deeply about the things that actually matter in life. His love of music and people was intoxicating - he could cook up a serious debate, a fiery discussion, an unexpected turn and a hilarious, complex satire at the wink of an eyelid and in the moment of a beautiful grin. He heeded no shyness to keep on asking if you were not yet quite clear about your question for the world. A few moments together with him would provide hours of memories. He was always more than the simple version, dynamic in nature and brave by heart.
He will be remembered.
Simon Gilbertson
Regional Liaison for Europe