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Dr. Anita Gadberry
Regional Liaison for North America
Contact: northamerica@wfmt.info[/caption]
The Canadian Association for Music Therapy (CAMT) held their annual conference May 3-5, 2012. It was titled Avantgarde and the keynote speakers were Dr. Susan Hadley, MT-BC and Dr. BrynjufeStige. Conference Co-Chairs Dr. Guylaine Vaillancourt, MTA&Dr. Sandi Curtis, MT-BC, MTA reported that approximately 250 participants from Canada, the United States, and around the world attended this exciting event.
The International Conference on Gender, Health, and the Creative Arts Therapies was held in conjunction with the CAMT conference on May 5-6, 2012. Approximately 100 creative arts therapists from Canada, the United States and around the world attended this conference which focused on the following themes: (a) Gender, (b) Feminism/Womanism, (c) Multicultural & Liberation Psychologies, (d) Social Justice, and (e) Violence against Women.
The conference keynote presenter was Susan Hadley, PH.D., MT-BC and the conference chair was Sandi Curtis, Ph.D., MT-BC, MTA. For more information on both the CAMT conference and the International Conference on Gender, Health, and the Creative Arts Therapies, visit montreal2012.concordia.ca.
More innovative international learning opportunities are available for music therapists.Would you like to learn from a guest lecturer or speaker from another country without incurring travel expenses? A database of music therapy professors who are willing to share information by web conferencing platforms is available on the Education page of the World Federation of Music Therapy website. The database includes contact information, possible lecture topics, and time zone considerations. The music therapy world is at your fingertips!
While you are on the web, peruse the information athttp://www.musictherapy.org/events/amta_2012_conference_changing_winds_innovation_in_music_therapy/ about the 2012 American Music Therapy Association conference. It will be October 11-14th with institutes and continuing education courses prior to and following the conference. This year the conference will be held in St. Charles, IL. Members of the World Federation of Music Therapy (WFMT) will be presenting a session titled Supporting Music Therapy Worldwide: Latest WFMT Projects and Events. There will also be information about the upcoming World Congress at the WFMT booth in the exhibit hall. Come visit us at the session and at the WFMT booth! We hope to meet you there!
Dr. Anita Gadberry