Greetings Friends and Colleagues,As I write this I am busy amid the flurry of tasks in preparation for the upcoming WFMT World Congress in Vienna/Krems, Austria. You have likely been hearing and reading about all the many events and activities that are a part of this exciting event. Our excitement grows as we gather every three years. It is always such a joy and pleasure to welcome and greet friends and colleagues from all around the world and to learn about exciting new developments in our profession as well.For those of you that have been involved in planning a conference or congress, you know this is no small feat. Once the country hosting the congress is determined, preparation begins immediately three years in advance of the actual event. As our time approaches, the flurry of details to be addressed increases. There is so much work that takes place behind the scenes. For this, the WFMT shares our gratitude with Dr. Gerhard Tucek and his organizing team for their commitment and hard work on planning and organizing this event in the beautiful setting of Austria.The WFMT Council is also busy as we prepare for our tasks and assisting with the World Congress. The Council is currently working on the 2014 annual report, concluding our work on the WFMT strategic plan, preparing for elections, preparing our reports for the annual meeting, and determining the 2017 congress location. While it is a busy time, it is an exciting time. As you prepare for the Congress, I encourage you to review the slate of candidates for the 2014-2017 WFMT Council, as elections will take place during the WFMT General Business Meeting July 10, 12-1:30pm.I look forward to greeting those of you that will be at the World Congress in Austria. Those of you that are not able to join us in Austria, I hope you will stay tuned and begin to make plans for 2017. We will announce the congress site while in Austria; this is always an exciting time.I wish to give my sincere thanks to the WFMT Council and Commissions for their constant commitment to the work of the WFMT. The efforts and collaboration of each of these individuals is critical to all that we are able to accomplish.Sincerely,Annie Heiderscheit, Ph.D., MT-BC, LMFTFellow of the Association for Music and ImageryInterim President, WFMT