This month, I am devoting my President presents blog to the WFMT Assembly of Student Delegates (ASD). Students are an essential part of the WFMT, as they are the next professionals and leaders in our profession. The current 2014-2017 WFMT Council term is coming to an end, and now is the time to prepare for the new Council and the new Assembly!That being said, the WFMT looks forward to welcoming a new group of motivated students into WFMT service as part of the 2017-2020 WFMT ASD. Please read the ASD Handbook (click here) to discover eligibility requirements for Student Delegates, to review roles and expectations, and to learn how to nominate an outstanding student for this exciting leadership opportunity. According to the nomination procedure outlined in the Handbook, nominations may be made by WFMT Council members, music therapy educators and WFMT student delegates (as part of a member organization or as an individual member), and self-nominations. Nominated students must be student members of WFMT at the time of appointment (as part of a member organization or as an individual member). The link to apply for a WFMT individual student membership is https://www.wfmt.info//wfmt-membership/membership-application/. All nominations must be submitted by April 30, 2017, 6pm (EST). (Please note: this is an extension of the original deadline!)Click here to submit a nomination now. Late or incomplete nominations will not be considered! Inquiries may be directed to Annabelle Brault, WFMT Executive Assistant, at assistant@wfmt.info.Background of the ASDThe WFMT ASD was established in 2011 to improve student involvement in the WFMT with the following intentions:
- to enhance students’ knowledge of the profession;
- to provide a forum for international student activities;
- to facilitate the sharing of ideas, thoughts, and opinions; and
- to assist in preparing responsible, politically aware, and skillful leadership of WFMT.
I encourage you to visit the WFMT for Students page (click here) to find information on information cards, the Window to the World blog, and opportunities to connect with other students.WCMT 2017 Student EventsGet ready for lots of student activities at the WCMT in Tsukuba, Japan, July 2017. Check out the updates on all conference events at www.wcmt2017.com/index.html.Of particular interest to students is the free Pre-Congress Workshop entitled: “The Bridge from Student to Music Therapist” which I will be presenting alongside Dr. Katrina McFerran. Here is a short synopsis of the learning opportunity:
The transition from school to professional work as a music therapist is an exciting time, and there are many paths to pursue. Two leading experts in the field of music therapy, internship, education/training and research will discuss navigating professional practices including: advocating for music therapy, creating proposals, professional writing and integrating research and evidence based work in your practices.
Warm Regards from Canada,Amy Clements-Cortes, PhD, RP, MT-BC, MTAFellow of the Association for Music and ImageryPresident, WFMTSave