Dear WFMT Members,We begin this new year with a change in the leadership of the WFMT. Late November 2012, Dr. Byungchuel Choi notified the Council of his resignation as president of the WFMT. The leadership of the Council worked diligently and swiftly to develop a plan to manage this change via a Skype meeting in December 2012, the council officially accepted Dr. Choi’s resignation. We are indebted to Dr. Choi for his commitment and hard work on behalf of the WFMT. Over the years he served as Chair of the Accreditation and Certification Commission, served as the 13th World Congress organizer, and most recently as President.I agreed to take on the role of Interim President to fulfill the term of the current presidency. Since 2009 I have served in the role of Secretary/Treasurer of the WFMT and elected to serve in that capacity until 2014. It is an honor and a privilege to serve the organization as interim president and to work with the Council. There is a tremendous amount to expertise and energy on the Council and I look forward to all that we will accomplish together.The Council will be embarking on a monumental task off developing a strategic plan. This process will strive to identify the goals and objectives for the organization and create a long-range plan to help advance the profession of music therapy. Continue to visit the website for updates regarding this seminal work. Currently, the Research and Ethics Commission has completed work on an ethics information sheet. This is now available on the website. Be sure to see this new information, along with the other information that will be forthcoming from this commission. We also have a work group developing an International Music Therapy Week. Stay tuned forupdates on this and think of ways to bring music therapy week to your part of the world.I look forward to partnering with the council and you our members to advance and support music therapy around the world.Happy New Year,Dr. Annie Heiderscheit, MT-BC, LMFTFellow of the Association for Music and ImageryInterim President, WFMT