It is hard to believe it has been two years since the 2014-2017 WFMT council was elected and began its 3-year term. This year, one of my primary priorities as WFMT President has been advancing the WFMT strategic plan year 2 priorities and assisting with the preparations for the WCMT in Tsukuba, Japan, July 2017. The Council also completed a number of commission projects alongside celebrating the 30th Anniversary of the WFMT (#WFMT30Rocks) with our members and presenting at a number of conferences, all in an effort to advance the discipline of music therapy as an art and a science.Today I want to highlight the WFMT Council accomplishments from July 2015-June 2016. The full WFMT Annual Report and Strategic Plan can be found at this link .Highlights from July 2015 to June 2016 include:
- July 2015
- 30th Anniversary Contributions project & Happy Birthday Social Media posts announced
- August 2015
- 30th Anniversary Song Contest winners announced
- Advertising and Sponsorship package announced and promoted
- Quarterly online Council meeting online
- Strategic Plan year two priorities identified and respective projects begun
- September 2015
- Volunteer Opportunities updated and posted
- October 2015
- Soundboard Contributions invited
- November 2015
- Annual Council meeting, Council presentation “WFMT 30th Anniversary: Celebrating our History and Growth,” Global Perspectives session participation, and WCMT 2017 exhibit booth at the American Music Therapy Association Conference, Kansas City, Missouri
- December 2015
- 30th Anniversary Special Edition of Music Therapy Today (MTT) published on WFMT website
- January 2016
- WCMT Japan 2017 opened the call for papers
- February 2016
- Council members presented at the Online Conference for Music Therapy (OCMT) 2016, “WFMT 30th Anniversary: Celebrating our History, Growth, and Role in Expanding Horizons”
- March 2016
- WFMT Recognition Program announced for 2017
- Quarterly online Council meeting
- Council members presented on the WFMT at various regional and local conferences
- April 2016
- First World Music Therapy Awareness Day announced for July 5, 2016
- International Survey on Clinical Practice in collaboration with former President, Dr. Kern
- WCMT 2017 launched Facebook page
- Student Scholarships for 2017 WCMT announced
- May 2016
- WFMT Education & Training and Research & Ethics Commissions launched the first video with respect to the WFMT goal “Building Community Awareness”
- WFMT Strategic plan updated and Year 3 priorities added
- June 2016
- WFMT Annual report prepared
- Ongoing
- Website (wfmt.info) updated monthly with President Presents, Regional Liaison, Student, and news blogs; country fact sheets; and Global Calendar events
- WFMT Monthly Buzz emails to members & maintenance of active social media presence
Warm Regards from Canada,Amy Clements-Cortes, PhD, RP, MT-BC, MTAFellow of the Association for Music and ImageryPresident, WFMTSaveSave