Experiences of being an international student of music therapy in FranceWritten by Christina Phung, recently graduated music therapist from theUniversité Paul Valery Montpellier III, FranceHelloMy name is Christina Phung and I believe in the power of music to transform andchange lives. I’m originally from Adelaide, South Australia. 3 years ago; I wentto France to pursue my dream of becoming a music therapist by studying a degreein music therapy at the Université Paul Valery Montpellier III, France. I learnt somuch during my studies including learning and memorising 300 French songs,and writing a thesis in academic French on music therapy work in addictions.I had studied French as a second language since the age of 11, also completing auniversity degree in Social Work and in French Studies before making the move.I have to admit it was not easy adjusting to a new culture and new country.This year, I had the chance to attend the 15th World Congress of Music Therapy,in Tsukuba, Japan. It was a great experience to meet and connect with musictherapists around the world. I attended a diverse range of workshops and paperpresentations; including learning how to play Japanese taiko drums and singingJapanese songs. Furthermore, I was very privileged to be able to present a Frenchpopular song at the closing ceremony and during the Student Lunchtime JamSessions. Music is truely a universal language that unites all cultures!