Chair of Commission
Dr. Amy Clements-Cortes
Chair, Research & Ethics
Email: research@wfmt.infoCommission Members:
Megan Goodwin (Australia)
Wiputh Kehasuwan (Thailand)
Eugenia Hernandez-Ruiz (USA/Latin America)
Monica Overå (Norway)
Karyn Stuart-Röhm (South Africa)

Vision Statement
The Commission on Research and Ethics promotes the integration of research and ethics into the practice of music therapy throughout the world. We envision music therapy as a health discipline based in sound research practice available to all, and based on professional standards according to cultural, social, and political contexts. The commission promotes dissemination of quality research studies within a variety of frameworks to better inform the practice of the profession.

● To promote and assist music therapists, including researchers, clinicians, and/or academics, to work according to WFMT ethical guidelines and local cultural understandings of ethical and moral care.
● To promote and advise on ensuring and increasing accessibility, accountability and trasparency in clinical, education and research practices.
● To help establish and/or facilitate international collaborations, which promote knowledge sharing about ethical clinical care and research in music therapy.
● To work in collaboration with the newly formed Inclusion, Diversity, Equity & Access Commission.
● To promote the inclusion of the service user voice in clinical and research practices
● To keep at the forefront of the Committee work the WFMT member voice as inspired by the topics and themes raised at the WCMT 2023 World Cafe on Research Ethics.

● Creation of a Guidance Document on Responding to Ethical Issues | Timeline: Year 1
WFMT Researcher Profile Videos | Timeline: 3 per calendar year
Promote the Music Therapy Research Forum online on the WFMT website. | Timeline: Ongoing
Continue to develop existing and new resources to support ethical clinical practice and research in music therapy. | Timeline: Ongoing
To provide consultation and guidance for Music Therapy Today to support its long term goals and purpose. | Timeline: Ongoing.
Joint projects with IDEA Commission. | Timeline: Ongoing.

Completed Projects
WFMT Code of Ethics | Timeline: January 2022; Completed September 2022

Research Forum